+32 (0)2 343 85 40
Welcome to BICS Secondary

Secondary school Brussels


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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

BICS Secondary is an English language school. Unlike the primary and pre-primary sections, it is not a bilingual programme. While we do have a wonderful French language programme with first language courses for native speakers, French is not a prerequisite for entry or success at BICS. Students in years 8-11 can study French at beginner, intermediate, or advanced level.
Students arrive at school by 8h25. The day begins with an assembly and Morning Prayer at 8:30, then classes begin. There is a 20-minute morning break, and an hour-long lunch break. School ends with afternoon assembly at 3:40. On Wednesdays, there is no lunch break, and students leave at 13h00.
The Cambridge Assessment International Education IGCSE and A Level exams are recognised in Belgium and internationally. They permit university entry around the globe, and in some cases, advanced placement. Some countries may have specific requirements regarding the combination of exams required for university entry. Please consult the CAIE website for information about recognition by specific countries or institutions.
Music, theatre, art and sport are all included in the school programme. Students can also learn to play various musical instuments.

A maths club offers support to students who need extra help after school, and also opportunities for further study for advanced students. There is also a science club enabling further experiments in the lab.

The school choir is very active and several concerts are given during the year.

School trips of both a cultural and athletic nature are offered throughout the year.
Our school is a non-profit organisation. We try to keep our fees as low as possible as most of our parents pay their fees privately and some make considerable sacrifices to attend our school.
BICS follows the Cambridge International Curriculum which is recognised internationally. The Belgian Government recognises BICS as fulfilling the legal obligation of education in the country.
Our school accepts children of all faiths or none. The school seeks to pursue its mission of education in the context of Christian values. We have a mission statement and families should be able to feel comfortable with this. Mission
The International A Levels give access to universities throughout the world. 99% of our students go to thurther studies: this year Year 13 students have been accepted by Oxford, KU leuven, Maastricht, Louvain, and Brussels ULB amongst others.

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